Upgrade from RACS 4 to RACS 5

Considering significant amount of installed RACS 4 systems, Roger Company enabled upgrade of existing RACS 4 systems to RACS 5 version. The majority of listed below RACS 4 devices and existing cabling can be preserved and still used.
RACS 4 devices usually require firmware upgrade and limited configuration. The firmware is offered free of charge. User list can be exported from RACS 4 software and imported into RACS 5. Remaining system settings due to more advanced logic must be configured individually.
The migration is charged only if VISO EX management software is to be applied. In vast majority of cases free of charge VISO ST software is sufficient. In every scenario the migration requires installation of new MC16 series access controllers.


Application of RACS 4 devices in RACS 5 system

RACS 4 deviceEquivalent in RACS 5Notes

PR102DRMCX102required firmware update

PR402DRMCX402required firmware update

PR411DRMCX402required firmware update

PR402MCX402required firmware update
Note: Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to confirm if the upgrade will be possible for your hardware version

PR302MCT32E-IOrequired firmware update

required firmware update
required firmware update

required firmware update
required firmware update

PR602LCDMCT68E-IOrequired firmware update

PR602LCD-DTMCT68ME-IOrequired firmware update

PR612MCT64E-IOrequired firmware update

PR622MCT66E-IOrequired firmware update

required firmware update
required firmware update

PR611SEMCT64EM-IOrequired firmware update

PR611v1MCT64EM-IOrequired firmware update

PR621MCT66EM-IOrequired firmware update

XM-2DR---cannot be used in RACS 5

XM-8DR---cannot be used in RACS 5

Reader PRTxxPRTxxno adaptation required

CPR32-SE---cannot be used in RACS 5

CPR32-NET---cannot be used in RACS 5

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