Proximity Reader

MCT68ME-IO Proximity Reader

The MCT68ME-IO is an access terminal dedicated to RACS 5 access control and building automation system. The terminal is a peripheral device connected to access controller.
The terminals can read serial numbers (CSN) of MIFARE® and EM 125 kHz proximity cards. The MCT68ME-IO is equipped with input and output lines which enable full control of door without the need to use the inputs and outputs located on the access controller or expander. The terminal offers three NO/NC inputs, two transistor outputs and one relay output. Each of the outputs can be switched off by default (Normal polarisation) or switched on by default (Reversed polarisation).
The communication with controller is provided via modified RS485 standard and it enables such topologies as star or tree. The communication bus maximal length cannot exceed 1200 m and it can be made with any signal cable (e.g. UTP/U cat.5)
The MCT68ME-IO is equipped with 4 line LCD and four programmable function keys which can be used among others to register Time&Attendance modes. The terminal is recommended for Time&Attendance applications.

Ordering guide

MCT68ME-IO Proximity Reader
  • MCT68ME-IO-O
    EM 125 kHz and 13.56 MHz MIFARE (CSN) access terminal  with keypad and display; on-board I/Os; outdoor version with metal protection enclosure

  • MCT68ME-IO-I
    EM 125 kHz and 13.56 MHz MIFARE (CSN) access terminal with keypad and display; on-board I/Os; indoor version


  • ISO14443A proximity cards, serial number reading(CSN):
    - MIFARE Ultralight
    - MIFARE Classic 1K and 4K
    - MIFARE Plus
    - MIFARE DESFire EV1
  • EM 125 kHz proximity cards
  • reading distance up to 7 cm
  • RS485 communication interface
  • LCD display
  • three LED indicators
  • three NO/NC inputs
  • 1.5 A/30 V relay output
  • two 1 A/15 V transistor outputs
  • programmable output polarisation
  • buzzer with an adjustable volume level
  • keypad with adjustable backlight
  • four programmable function keys
  • tamper detection
  • 12 VDC power supply
  • configuration via RS485 bus (RogerVDM)
  • firmware update via RS485 (RogerISP)
  • outdoor operation (refers only to MCT68ME-IO-O)
  • CE mark
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